Regional Knowledge Network on Water

R-KNOW Knowledge Database is operated by means of mobilising and developing the stakeholders qualified in their field in each pilot country. This is the duty of each national facilitator. R-KNOW KD brings:

  • Lessons learned of successful demo projects applying systemic approaches to water management
  • Knowledge, insights and awareness on systemic approaches to sustainable water resource management
  • Guiding papers on systemic approaches that could be applied to Natural Resources Management

Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Development Planning: A Guide for Practitioners


Toolkit/Guidelines: A practitioner’s guide manual for mainstreaming climate change adaptation into national development planning as part of broader poverty-environment mainstreaming efforts. The present guide addresses this need for integrating climate change adaptation considerations into the work of the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI). In addition, by building on PEI lessons in the field of poverty-environment mainstreaming in general, the guide can provide useful insights to adaptation specialists interested in mainstreaming their efforts.


Climate Change Adaptation, التكيف مع تغير المناخ, Adaptation au changement climatique

Publication date

Wednesday, 15 June 2011



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