Regional Knowledge Network on Water

The Water, Food & Energy Nexus

The Nexus approach integrates management and governance across sectors and scales, with the goal of achieving water security, sustainable energy and food security to reduce hunger and improve livelihoods.  It can be achieved by better management of natural resources and ecosystems; i.e. integrated water resources management, land management and a shift towards resource use efficiency.  More investments in the production of renewable energy are needed.  Sustainable agricultural practices are to be adopted.  All these should be coupled with appropriate environmental governance and greater policy coherence. 

This portal will help provide information and case studies as well as approaches and prospective about water, food and energy Nexus, to create a paradigm shift towards sustainable growth; socially, economically and environmentally.

The responsible RKNOW partner for this knowledge node is the  Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) and supported by The Palestinian Hydrology Group in Palestine (PHG).


karmsolar - agri land

© KarmSolar - Designated land for agriculture, Egypt


© KarmSolar - SWP system, Egypt 

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