Regional Knowledge Network on Water

R-KNOW Knowledge Database is operated by means of mobilising and developing the stakeholders qualified in their field in each pilot country. This is the duty of each national facilitator. R-KNOW KD brings:

  • Lessons learned of successful demo projects applying systemic approaches to water management
  • Knowledge, insights and awareness on systemic approaches to sustainable water resource management
  • Guiding papers on systemic approaches that could be applied to Natural Resources Management

Incorporating Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Environmental Impact Assessments – Opportunities and Challenges


Toolkit/Guidelines: National governments and development agencies have invested considerable effort in recent years to develop methodologies and tools to screen their projects for the risks posed by climate change. However, these tools have largely been developed by the climate change community and their application within actual project settings remains quite limited. An alternate and complementary approach would be to examine the feasibility of incorporating consideration of climate change impacts and adaptation within existing modalities for project design, approval, and implementation such as. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are particularly relevant in this context.


Climate Change, changement climatique, التغير المناخي

Publication date

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


OECD: Shardul Agrawala, Arnoldo Matus Kramer, Guillaume Prudent-Richard, Marcus Sainsbury

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