Water user associations: The key for water resource management - The Jordan Valley, Jordan

Water governance


The irrigation water has been a major issue of concern in the water sector for many years particularly in the Jordan Valley, where there has been a pronounced competition on water resources among the user associations: agriculture, domestic, and tourism. Despite the remarkable efforts of Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) in managing the bulk water, the irrigation water distribution system had undergone a major challenge. The case eventually resulted in a sharp fall in the operation as a whole in the late 1990s, where so much of the efficiency in retail water management was lost, farmers became distanced from each other and had negative attitudes towards the authority (JVA). Drought years made the situation even more stressful. -- “This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Regional Knowledge Network on Water (R-KNOW) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union

Geographical coverage



Water user associations, water governance, جمعيات مستخدمي المياه , حوكمة المياه، حكامة المياه, Associations d'usagers de l'eau, gouvernance de l'eau,

Publication date

mercredi, 14 janvier 2015


Ghadeer Mahasnah, Ministry of Irrigation – Jordan

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