Water Efficiency Handbook: Identifying opportunities to increase water use efficiency in industry, buildings, and agriculture in the Arab Countries

Water, Food, Energy Water security


This handbook is intended for use as a water use efficiency guide for industrial, residential, and agricultural water users across the Arab region. Prepared for AFED by: Dr. Murat Mirata and Dr. Tareq Emtairah This first edition has been produced in cooperation with ACWA POWER, an AFED corporate member and the largest regional developer, owner and operator of independent water and power plants. © 2014 Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED) P.O. Box 113-5474, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: (+961) 1 321800 Fax: (+961) 1 321900 Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. www.afedonline.org


water efficiency, efficience de l'eau, نجاعة استخدام المياه

Publication date

mardi, 25 novembre 2014


Dr. Murat Mirata and Dr. Tareq Emtairah - © 2014 Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)

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